Pseuddian Armour
First Draft
Figure this is a being like anything else... so 30+ points in the custom being generator.
Costs 10 points for interfacing ability with host (difficult - seasoned biologist?)
Simple armour has 6 bonus points for no limbs, limited sense, and physical dependance
For the rest:
- Stamina (5 per point)
- Size (needs to be at least 25% mass of host)
- Limbs, wings, coolness, etc.
- If there are limbs or wings, need to devote points to get strength and speed to be equal to hosts.
- At least one point for will power. Intelligence and awareness can be 0.
- Hmmmm... augmenting stats of host?
Can wear regular armour on top of pseuddian armour.
Classic™ Pseuddian Armour
- Strength 4-7
- Speed 4-7
- Agility 4-7
- Maneuverability 4-7 (if applicable)
- Intelligence 0
- Stamina 50-100
- Weapons 2D claws (retractable, optional)
Pseuddian Armour is a symbiotic organism that covers a character with an armoured exoskeleton and with augmented strength, speed, and agility. Further, Pseuddian Armour is not affected by mortal wounds, and is not adversely affected by having its stamina below -10, as long as it does not exceed a negative equal to its maximum.
The Armour has three phases of life: attachment, partial, and full.
In the attachment phase, the Pseuddian Armour is initially grafted onto its host. Due to the required neural and physiological connections required, this can be extremely painful for the host if not done in a laboratory setting. However, the Pseuddian is capable of making the attachment unassisted. While in the attachment phase, the Pseuddian is only effective with respect the portion of the body covered. This is usually just one placement (head, chest, abdomen, arms, or legs). If arm(s) or leg(s), then the physical traits for that one limb may be enhanced, and may be used as a shield (+3 duck buffer). Stamina of the Pseuddian is 1/5 of nominal maximum when fully-grown.
If the host permits it, the Pseuddian can grow to cover more of the body. The partial phase is when the Pseuddian covers less than half of the available placements (usually preferentially choosing the cover the vitals plus one or two other placements). Again, any limb covered by the Pseuddian benefits from the Pseuddian's physical traits and can be used as a shield (now +5 duck buffer). Stamina of the Pseuddian is 1/2 of the nominal maximum when fully-grown.
After the Pseuddian covers the majority of the host (or all), this is the "full" stage. The host and Pseuddian can then use the mix of physical traits to use whichever is greater in each case (strength, speed, agility, maneuverability).